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“Rotadia Laboratuvar Sistemleri Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Sti.” was founded by a group of engineers with experience and academic knowledge in the sector in order to produce innovative and creative solutions.

It offers solution partnerships to its customers in the needs of the petroleum, environment, health and food industries with technical project development, sales of analysis equipment and after-sales technical support services.

It aims to be the most successful and respected solution partner of Türkiye and neighboring regions with its technical knowledge.


As Rotadia, with the power our name gives us, we aim to add value to the work done by organizations and our customers by ensuring that all data is managed systematically and quickly with advanced automation for accurate analyzes and results.

Beyond sustainable profitability, we strive to fulfill our responsibilities towards people, society and the environment. The Sustainable Development Goals and the Declaration of Human Rights published by the United Nations form the basis of our ethical principles. ” Ethics Principles” have been created to strengthen compliance with these principles. All our stakeholders are part of these principles.

Together with Rotadia employees; We expect our stakeholders to comply with our Ethical Principles, and we take our ethical principles as basis when developing stakeholder relationships.

If you encounter any practices regarding violations of the Ethical Principles, we kindly ask you to notify us without hesitation.

Hoping to transform into a more beautiful world together,

Rotadia Board of Directors


  • Protection of human rights is our basic principle. We do not take into consideration language, religion, race, gender, social class and age during the recruitment process. We offer equal opportunities to all our employees and adopt a fair management approach.
  • We do not employ child labor and do not cooperate with organizations that employ child labor.
  • We support women’s entry into business life and aim to comply with the “Gender” principle of the United Nations Development Goals.
  • We respect animal rights. We act with the awareness of sharing the world.
  • We do not accept abuse. In case of detection/reporting of such a situation, we consider it our duty to initiate the necessary legal proceedings.
  • In order to prevent climate change in the world and protect the ecosystem, we aim to prevent environmental pollution in all our activities.
  • We comply with waste management principles in customer areas and comply with legislative requirements regarding the separation of waste. Within the scope of zero waste, we aim to reduce waste generation and recycle what is created.
  • We act with the awareness of protecting the environment in our building and customer areas to use natural resources effectively and protect nature.
  • As a transparent and accountable organization towards our stakeholders and society; It is our priority to ensure and comply with national/international legal and other requirements in all our activities.
  • We strive to ensure that our employees come to work healthy and return home healthy, including the work in our customers’ work environments, and we make improvements to ensure that our working environments are healthy and safe.
  • We believe that women shape the future and support gender equality. We care about the employment of female employees.
  • In order to increase our contribution to the local economy, we follow our localization strategy whenever possible in our spare parts purchases.
  • We expect all our stakeholders to act in accordance with our ethical principles.
  • We encourage our employees and other stakeholders to participate in social contribution activities.
  • We improve the competence of our employees and receive their feedback to develop applications for employees.
  • We understand our customers’ expectations regarding our product and service quality and carry out our efforts to increase customer satisfaction.
  • We work with the philosophy of continuous improvement.


  • We are in favor of producing, not consuming
  • Our main aim is to provide quality service and ensure satisfaction.
  • Integrity and honesty are our primary values in all our business processes and relationships.
  • We empathize with our customers and act solution-oriented
  • We value human, nature and all living things
  • We act to develop and improve
  • We are aware of social responsibility


We care about each other.

  • We communicate honestly and openly.
  • We take care to protect each other’s respect and honor when making jokes, warnings and in all our communication.
  • We care about creating an orderly and productive working environment with mutual goodwill, justice, transparency, and trust.
  • We stay away from behavior that may appear to be intimidating, humiliating, harassment, physical or moral violence, or assault.
  • We respect each other’s privacy and personal information.
  • We know that no group in our company is discriminated against because of their differences.
  • We also stay away from discrimination in all our decisions. We know that differences such as language, religion, race, nationality, gender, marital status, political opinion, and disability are our colors.
  • One of our basic principles is to create a working environment that is free from behavior (mobbing) that will constantly make our teammates feel uncomfortable, uneasy, hindered in their work, excluded, or being intimidated. We do not tolerate behavior contrary to this.
  • We stay away from habits that will prevent us from using our time and consciousness effectively at work and that will negatively affect our attention, efficiency, and social relations.
  • We keep our political views away from the business environment and the decisions we make. When participating in political activities outside of work time, we ensure that it is understood that our views and activities do not represent our company.
  • We share any situation or behavior that violates these rules with our manager or relevant department managers.

We are aware of the importance of occupational health and safety.

  • We carry out our duties in accordance with occupational health and safety rules.
  • We take care to use the clothing and protective equipment required by our work.
  • We share any situation or behavior that violates these rules with our manager or relevant department managers.
  • When we see a nonconformity that concerns human health, we do not say “it’s not my job.” We don’t waste time acting or reporting.


Our Company’s Responsibilities

  • Rotadia prepares the necessary environment for us to understand our ethical principles, include them in our daily lives and live them.
  • It aims to provide us with a working environment where there is a healthy, safe and fair distribution of opportunities, and where appropriate options for personal and professional development are offered.
  • Our company strives to ensure that we receive adequate and necessary technical and personal training and that we have the resources we need to perform our duties.
  • It is also responsible for taking the necessary measures to protect the personal information of its employees.
  • By organizing activities and training on ethical principles, it ensures that the subject is integrated into daily life.
  • It encourages compliance with ethical principles.
  • It creates an environment where questions, comments, and suspicions of non-compliance with ethical principles can be conveyed.

Our Responsibilities Toward Our Company

  • We adopt behavioral patterns that will protect the environment provided by our company and take personal responsibility for situations that will disrupt this environment.
  • We do our best to fulfill the responsibilities required by our scope of duty during business hours, on time, in the best and most efficient way, as a member of the Rotadia team.
  • We are aware that we reflect the Rotadia corporate identity with our speech, clothing, and behavior.
  • We show the common sense required to use company assets and resources effectively and efficiently.
  • We know that the purpose of company resources is not personal use, but personal use is possible within reasonable limits. We use our company resources to produce more than we consume.
  • We are aware that the time we spend in the company is one of the most valuable company assets.
  • We work to learn and implement our ethical principles and the policies and procedures that support these principles.
  • We act in accordance with the law, our ethical principles and relevant policies and procedures.
  • We also encourage our colleagues to achieve this harmony.
  • If we encounter any non-compliance with our ethical rules, we take responsibility and report the situation to the necessary authorities.

We Protect Privacy.

  • We protect each other’s and our company’s confidential information. We only share with those who need to know, to the extent they need to know.
  • We do not talk about this information in public places where anyone other than us could be overheard.
  • We know that this responsibility will continue even if we leave Rotadia.
  • We notify our company as soon as possible about special situations such as our relatives starting to work for rival companies, our computer containing company information being lost, or confidential information being accidentally shared in an inappropriate environment.

We avoid conflicts of interest.

  • We perform our duties based on the principles of accountability and transparency.
  • We do not use our position in our company, the name of our company, the authority and opportunities provided to us regarding our work, for our own interests or those of our relatives or acquaintances.
  • We do not have debt or credit relationships with our colleagues, managers, customers, suppliers or other third parties with whom we communicate for business purposes. We do not enter into a guarantor relationship.
  • We do not benefit from these people in kind or in cash.
  • We take care that the gifts we give or receive, and the entertainment we provide or accept, do not aim to influence either our decisions or those of our interlocutors.
  • We can do additional work, do voluntary work, and engage in paid artistic activities in areas that will not affect the time we spend in the company and our productivity, or violate company confidentiality.
  • In cases where we are not sure whether the additional work we plan to do meets these criteria, we consult our manager.


Our Commitment to Our Customers

  • We establish consistent, attentive, and sustainable communication with our customers.
  • We make sure that the information we share with our customers is the most up-to-date, complete, understandable, and non-misleading information we have.
  • We structure our relationships with our customers and the products and services we offer on unity of action and discourse.
  • We ensure that the solutions and products we offer are the most effective solutions to meet the needs of our customers.
  • We aim to provide the highest quality products and services to our customers.
  • We protect our customers’ private information as if we were our own.
  • We do not personalize the problems we experience with our customers, we take positive and constructive approaches, remembering that we represent our company.


Our Relations with Our Suppliers

  • We approach our suppliers with respect, honesty, fairness, and care.
  • We expect the products, services, quality, and prices offered by our suppliers to be good.
  • If we have a say in the purchasing process, we do not get involved in the processes involving our relatives or suppliers with whom we have any relationship of interest.
  • We protect the private information, offers and prices of our suppliers as if it were our own private information.
  • We expect our suppliers to have our ethical approach.

We support free and fair competition.

  • We stay away from any behavior that hinders free and fair competition.
  • We support and encourage initiatives that serve the competitive structure.
  • We try to access information about our competitors only through legal means.
  • We stay away from illegal methods of obtaining information.
  • We do not disclose non-public information about our company to people who do not work at Rotadia, even if they are colleagues or friends. We do not discuss business with our friends working in rival companies.


We respect human rights.

  • We work in a group that respects human rights and under conditions that befit human dignity.
  • We do not employ anyone under conditions other than those they accept with their free will.
  • We do not employ child labour.
  • We attach importance to gender equality and support positive discrimination.

We comply with laws and regulations.

  • We make every effort to comply with the laws and regulations of both the Republic of Turkey and other countries where we do business.
  • We keep our records and reports in accordance with the principles of completeness, accuracy and transparency, and take care to reflect all our transactions in their true form.

We approach bribery and corruption with zero tolerance.

  • We stay away from any behavior, offer or insinuation that could be perceived as bribery in our relationships with people we are in contact with, both in the public and private sectors.
  • We maintain a clear stance against bribe offers that may come from outside.
  • We are careful about cases of corruption and abuse that may be committed by people inside or outside our company, and we share the slightest suspicion with our manager.

We are careful in using social media.

  • We take care not to make comments or posts that contain insults, swearing, humiliation, verbal taunts or violations of personal rights on our social media accounts.
  • We avoid sharing that would harm Rotadia’s information security and image.
  • We know that our privacy rules also apply when using social media.
  • We make sure that our ideas and opinions are not perceived as Rotadia’s opinion.
  • We take care that the video sharing we make from areas within the boundaries of our company or at company events complies with the rules of information security and protection of personal information.

We act with social responsibility awareness.

  • We show sensitivity to the developments in our country and our environment and fulfill our duties.
  • We act sensitively to our nation, cultural values, family, and environment.
  • We are aware of climate change affecting our planet. We see the environment as a trust given to us and take the necessary measures to protect it.
  • Using fewer resources and leaving less waste are among our main goals.
  • We care about our social impact on the society in which we operate. We act on the basis of social benefit.
  • We respect the right to life of animals and take care of them.

We pay attention to our relations with public institutions.

  • We take care to establish collaborative and transparent relationships with public institutions.
  • Whether from public institutions or private audit companies; We communicate with all our auditors on a collaborative basis, based on open, true, complete and clear information sharing within the framework of their authority.

To Make Our Voice Heard:

  • When we are unsure how our ethical principles apply in certain day-to-day situations,
  • When we encounter issues that we think may be against the law, our ethical principles or Rotadia corporate culture,
  • We contact our manager, the human resources department and, if necessary, the senior management for advice or notification. While applying, we make sure that we share any information, documents, witnesses, time, and location details that we have on the subject and that may be useful.