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Our Sustainability Policy

  • Protection of human rights is our basic principle. We do not take into consideration language, religion, race, gender, social class and age during the recruitment process. We offer equal opportunities to all our employees and adopt a fair management approach.
  • We do not employ child labor and do not cooperate with organizations that employ child labor.
  • We support women’s entry into business life and aim to comply with the “Gender” principle of the United Nations Development Goals.
  • We respect animal rights. We act with the awareness of sharing the world.
  • We do not accept abuse. In case of detection/reporting of such a situation, we consider it our duty to initiate the necessary legal proceedings.
  • In order to prevent climate change in the world and protect the ecosystem, we aim to prevent environmental pollution in all our activities.
  • We comply with waste management principles in customer areas and comply with legislative requirements regarding the separation of waste. Within the scope of zero waste, we aim to reduce waste generation and recycle what is created.
  • We act with the awareness of protecting the environment in our building and customer areas to use natural resources effectively and protect nature.
  • As a transparent and accountable organization towards our stakeholders and society; It is our priority to ensure and comply with national/international legal and other requirements in all our activities.
  • We strive to ensure that our employees come to work healthy and return home healthy, including the work in our customers’ work environments, and we make improvements to ensure that our working environments are healthy and safe.
  • We believe that women shape the future and support gender equality. We care about the employment of female employees.
  • In order to increase our contribution to the local economy, we follow our localization strategy whenever possible in our spare parts purchases.
  • We expect all our stakeholders to act in accordance with our ethical principles.
  • We encourage our employees and other stakeholders to participate in social contribution activities.
  • We improve the competence of our employees and receive their feedback to develop applications for employees.
  • We understand our customers’ expectations regarding our product and service quality and carry out our efforts to increase customer satisfaction.
  • We work with the philosophy of continuous improvement.